Dottor Grandine “Auto repair excellence” at Le Fonti Insurance Awards

Another important confirmation for Dottor Grandine: the firm has been awarded as “Excellence of the year in Vehicles Repair” at Le Fonti Insurance Awards®, one of the most important events dedicated to Italian excellence in the fields of business, financial, insurance and legal. The event took place at the Palazzo della Borsa of Milan and it was organized by the national thematic channel Le Fonti TV, with the patronage of the European Commission, the media partnership of CorriereEconomia and the sponsorship of Cantine Marisa Cuomo. It involved and awarded some of the most important industries and players of the insurance sector, such as our business partners Generali, AXA  and HDI Assicurazioni.

For its sixth year running, Le Fonti Awards® offers the best of institutional visibility at national level and global media exposure to the excellences of the different business and professional sectors within the investors community. In the 2018 edition, there were a thousand peopleone-hundred industries and eighty legal studies, for about a hundred awards conferred to leading members of the Italian economic community.

“For being a leading excellence in the managing of hailed damaged vehicles, which has grown up by 118% per year during the period between 2013 and 2016. For having forged strategic partnerships with the main insurance groups and for the innovation applied to the cars repair thank to a special technique used for the renovation of metal sheets”. These are the reasons why the jury formalized this new confirmation of its dedication into the aiming for the highest level of customer satisfaction.

«We’re extremely proud of this recognition - commented the CEO, Giorgio Riso - and that comes up beside the mark “Champions of Growth” as a proof of our deep commitment for granting an efficient and advanced service». This commitment has led us to yearly grow up by 118% during the period between 2013 and 2016 and it has permitted to our brand to be considered one of the first 20 Italian industries for growth.


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